Smart Packaging


    Since January 2020, BISCI participates on behalf of Maastricht University in the research project Smart Packaging for Intelligent Logistics. A consortium of triple-helix organisations (a.o. BISCI/UM, Wageningen University & Research, Royal Smilde, De Budelse, Boston Scientific, Faes Cases) participate in this ambitious project, funded by OpZuid and the European Union. The project runs until the end of 2023. The goal is to create smart packaging in an intelligent logistics system that can be applied to all sectors. Currently, there are five operational demo projects in this Smart Packaging Ecosystem: food, beverages, high-tech, health and pharmacy. BISCI conducts research within the food, health, and high tech demo projects to understand how a variety of supply chain partners can collaborate to create value for data-driven innovation in smart packaging. Click here for more info.