G.a.b.y. Odekerken - Schröder
Gaby Odekerken's professional interest and expertise is heavily inspired by the current service economy. Fascinated by managerial questions of how to create a unique customer experience, in a complex value network or how to infuse new technology in retail or healthcare settings or how to move manufacturing firms towards services, she enjoys developing new courses or embarks on innovative research projects with PhD candidates, co-authors and industry stakeholders.
Her research has been published in leading international journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Robotics, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, BMC Geriatrics, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, MISQ, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing etc., currently (June 2020) resulting in over 10,000 citations and an H-index of 28.
Gaby Odekerken is passionate about (international) triple helix cooperations, involving government, industry and university. Her participation as a researcher and partner in large EU consortia as well as in regional subsidy initiatives, enable her to transfer and validate her scientifc knowledge.
In addition she is an experienced commissioner of large service organizations.
Career History
- 2010-present Full Professor in Customer-Centric Service Science
- 2016-2019: Head of Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, responsible for a team of over 50 faculty members and PhD candidates engaged in research, teaching and knowledge transfer to society
- 2010-2016: Director Service Science Factory engaged in briding theory and practice by acquiring service design and innovation projects for internal and external stakeholders and by managing a team responsible for developing innovative solutions to these projects
- 2011-2015: Vice chair of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, responsible as a program leader for the MSc program on Strategic Marketing
- 2007-2010: Director MSc Programs School of Business and Economics, responsible for initiating, accreditation and successful offering of the school's MSc portfolio
- 2002-2010: Associate Professor, responsible for research, education and PhD supervision in the research domains of service marketing and relationship marketing
- 1999-2002: Assistant Professor, responsible for research and education in marketing and marketing research
- 1997-1999: PhD candidate (supported by grant from Dutch Retail Association -HBD- and Ahold)
- 1994-1997: Lecturer in marketing and marketing research
- 1993: MSc research abroad in Indonesia
- 1993: MSc internship Shell Headquarters London